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For New Ostomates

New Ostomate Dos and Don'ts: Navigating Life with Confidence

Living with an ostomy can be a significant adjustment, but it doesn't have to hinder your quality of life. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can embrace your new reality and navigate it with confidence. In this blog post, we'll explore some essential dos and don'ts for new ostomates, empowering you to live life to the fullest.


  1. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power when it comes to managing your ostomy. Take the time to learn about your specific type of ostomy, the products available, and proper care techniques. Talk to your healthcare provider, join support groups, and consult reputable resources to gain a comprehensive understanding.

  2. Establish a Routine: Develop a consistent routine for changing and emptying your ostomy pouch. Regularly check the seal and make sure you have an adequate supply of pouching systems and accessories. Creating a schedule will help you stay on top of your ostomy care and minimize any potential issues.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial for maintaining hydration and preventing dehydration. Adequate hydration also promotes healthy bowel movements and can help minimize output consistency issues. Consult your healthcare provider regarding any dietary recommendations specific to your condition.

  4. Take Care of Your Skin: Proper skin care around the stoma is essential to prevent irritation and skin breakdown. Cleanse the area gently with mild soap and water, pat dry, and apply a barrier cream or powder as recommended by your healthcare professional. Regularly monitor your skin for any signs of redness, irritation, or leaks.

  5. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for emotional support and guidance. Connect with local ostomy support groups, join online communities, and share your experiences with others who understand what you're going through. These support networks can provide invaluable advice, encouragement, and a sense of camaraderie.


  1. Neglect Proper Nutrition: Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall health and managing your ostomy effectively. Avoid excessive intake of gas-producing foods, such as carbonated drinks, beans, and certain vegetables, which can contribute to increased gas and potential pouch ballooning. Consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist to understand your specific dietary needs.

  2. Ignore Warning Signs: Pay attention to your body and promptly address any warning signs or symptoms. If you experience persistent leaks, skin irritation, changes in stoma appearance, or unusual output patterns, consult your healthcare provider. Early intervention can prevent complications and ensure optimal stoma function.

  3. Rush the Healing Process: Be patient with yourself during the healing process. It takes time to adjust to life with an ostomy, both physically and emotionally. Allow yourself to adapt at your own pace and seek professional counseling if needed. Remember, you're not alone, and there is no shame in seeking help.

  4. Engage in Self-Limiting Beliefs: Don't let your ostomy define you or restrict your activities. While there might be certain adjustments to make, many ostomates lead active, fulfilling lives. Engage in open conversations with your healthcare team about your goals and aspirations, and explore how you can adapt activities to suit your needs.

  5. Forget to Celebrate Victories: Celebrate your milestones and achievements along your ostomy journey. Each day presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and discover new possibilities. Acknowledge and appreciate the resilience and strength within you, and take pride in the progress you make, no matter how small it may seem.

Embarking on life as a new ostomate can feel overwhelming, but with time, knowledge, and support, you can navigate this journey with confidence. Embrace the dos!